Other NHS Services
As well as our practice, there are many other local NHS services you can contact for health advice and information of treatment. Before you do, remember that you can treat many minor ailments such as colds, coughs and indigestion by keeping a well-stocked medicine cabinet at home.
- Keep the medicine chest in a secure, locked place out of reach of small children
- Watch expiry dates—do not keep or use medicines past their sell-by date
- Take all unwanted and out-of-date medicines back to the pharmacy
Crawley NHS Urgent Treatment Centre
You can also see an experienced nurse for treatment of minor injuries and illnesses, at
Crawley NHS Urgent Treatment Centre,
Crawley Hospital,
West Green Drive,
West Sussex,
Telephone number: 01293 600300
Your Local Pharmacist
Your local pharmacist will be able to give you free health advice at any time—you do not need an appointment. Many pharmacies operate extended hours on a rota basis. Call NHS direct for details.
Walk-in Centre
If you would like to see a GP or nurse when the Surgery is closed, then please feel free to go to the walk-in centre which is now located within Crawley Hospital.
NHS 111
NHS 111 is a new telephone service for people in Sussex to to find out where they can access medical help fast but are not in a life-threatening situation. The service is available for people who aren’t sure if they need to go to A&E, need more information about where to get NHS help or generally need reassurance and advice.
The easy to remember number – that is available across the country – has been introduced to help people get the right help, at the right time, especially at weekends and out of hours.
NHS 111 is free to call and is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
By calling NHS 111, you will reach a team of fully trained advisers, and experienced nurses and doctors who will assess your condition and direct you to the local service that can help you best, when you need it.
There are now only three numbers to know; 999 for life-threatening emergencies, your GP surgery and 111.
Accident and Emergency/999
Whatever the day or time, if you or someone else experiences severe chest pain, loss of blood or suspected broken bones or stroke go to your nearest accident and emergency department which are open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year and can assess serious injuries and provide emergency treatment.
Your Local Integrated Care System
The area served by Bewbush Medical Centre is in the district covered by Sussex Health and Care Integrated Care System (ICS). They are responsible for ensuring you get all the services you need. For details of all primary care services in the area, look at Sussex Health & Care and NHS Sussex (ics.nhs.uk) or they can be contacted at the following:-
- Post: NHS Sussex, Wicker House, High Street, Worthing BN11 1DJ
- Tel: 0800 433 4545
- Email: sxicb.contactus@nhs.net
Cancer Support Groups
Service Phone Email The Olive Tree Cancer SupportSupport for cancer patients 01293 534465 office@olivetreecancersupport.org.uk Heather Horsham Cancer SupportInformal support group for […]
Counselling & Time to Talk
Counselling can help you to deal with life problems such as: If you feel Counselling might be of help to […]
Crawley Wellbeing Team
Crawley Wellbeing Team at Langley Corner Crawley Wellbeing team visit Langley Corner Surgery once a month to offer free one […]
Family Disability Support
Service Phone Email Enable meRaising disability awareness in schools. 01903 734400 office@enablemeproject.org.uk Baby BuddySupport for families and children with disabilities 07502 439565 […]
General Family Support
Service Phone Email Enable me – Raising disability awareness in schools. 01903 734400 office@enablemeproject.org.uk Baby Buddy – Support for families and children with […]
Non NHS Services
Medicals /Reports For private medical examinations and reports, including insurance and private certificates, you will usually need to see a doctor but […]
Travel Health
Our practice nurses are available by appointment to offer medical advice regarding travel and vaccinations where appropriate. Please telephone reception […]
Clinics We Offer
Service Book with: Ante-natal care Midwife Asthma and COPD Monitoring Practice Nurse Blood tests Heath Care Assistant Carer Support Carer […]